Revisit the Barred Owl family at White Rock Lake since i lost contact with them vocally in 3 straight days – That was more than a week ago. As usual, i waited and heard the fledglings high pitch hiss and decided to stayed but nothing happened until night set it.
Another evening wasted but it’s good to know they are still around!
I returned the next evening and this time the adult hooted earlier than usual. Voila, that’s the get-out-of-bed “vocal” for the kids! They will either get out in open area or go further in the wood, and i was great they chose the former.
There! All three are still accounted for and they flew out of deep wood to open space after the parent call but it’s still too high for my taste. I kept my composure, be still and let them settling down. Eventually one of them moved to a better perch at eye-level and start the hunting routine. This is where you approach them when they disregard your presence and focus on the hunt.
This fledged barred owl is about 9-10 weeks old.
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