Late April is when wood duck family season arrives at white rock lake. They are here all year long but April is time for family session that get me up early in the morning. I would lay low on the ground then waited for the chicks to get their first water lesson. This picture is a keeper, my envision of how it would turn out but it’s technically flaw. The water was calmed and cleaned that morning but i wasn’t ready! The shutter speed is two clicks too low, not the sharpness i would prefer but it’s acceptable for normal print size. So that one element messed up years of waiting. Well, i will do better next time. Here’s one of the better from that morning, the chicks were barely a day or two old.
American Wood Duck – Mom and chicks
- Canon, EOS 1D Mark IV
- EF 500mm F4L IS USM
- ISO 400, 1/200s, F5.6 ,700mm
- White Rock Lake. Dallas, Texas
- April 29, 2007

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