Bufflehead Drake Wing Flap

Post on January 28, 2015 Bufflehead BirdsWaterfowl


The pair of Buffleheads at my favorite duck pond are getting friendlier by days. The dives are getting closer and they are quite tolerated to spectators for as long as there’s no people standing tall. So, bird photographer newbies, here’s a tip – If you lay down or seating low on the ground, good thing will happen!

I caught this sweet shot of drake Bufflehead flapping its wings the second he emerged out of the water. A quick response and always-ready got me the shot and there wasn’t any luck involved here. I count the time they go in the water and prepare to strike for action soon they got out. If you do that for few days while hurting your back counting dive after dive, i think you will nail one eventually!

The magic number is 17 seconds for diving ducks, it’s not hard to get them.

  • Canon, EOS 7D Mark II
  • EF 500mm F4L IS USM
  • ISO 500, 1/3200, F7.1 ,700mm
  • Carrollton, Texas
  • January 19, 2015
drake bufflehead wing flap

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